Welcome to OhioELA.org

Attorneys on Your Side.

The Ohio Employment Lawyers Association
Columbus, OH

About Us

The Ohio Employment Lawyers Association (OELA) assists attorneys who represent individual employees. OELA members dedicate 70% or more of their employment practice to protecting and promoting the rights of employees, rather than employers. OELA attorneys protect employees against discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful discharge and other unlawful workplace conduct. OELA is a state affiliate of the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA).

Want to join? We'd love to have you. Apply here.

Questions about OhioELA.org or need help using it?
Contact Neil Klingshirn.

The information and services on this site are not intended to be legal advice. It is strictly general information for educational purposes. Relying on this information without individual counsel is not reasonable or prudent. Employment law is a fact driven area of the law. The same law will apply to one set of facts differently from another. If you seek legal advice, consult an attorney. If you are searching for an attorney, OELA's Find a Lawyer service provides the information for contacting OELA members.

Workplace FairnessNELA

© 2024 Ohio Employment Lawyers Association